Who We Are

The Company

Built in 2010, Surya Air helicopter chartered service offers you all the Quality of air service at its best. Our signature ensure your comfort and safety as an integral part of how the ideal flying services should be. Started with our best helicopters twin engine, our crucial choice of fleets that are designed to uphold our passenger safety while achieving comfort with speed and performance. Navigate by our best and experienced Pilots with highly intelligent Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to allowing you to reach any location with ease. We are also at the forefront of air plane safety to ensure that the best helicopters performance are always available for private flights and travel, maintained comprehensively by our experienced Engineers. All the fleets are regularly provided with periodic maintenance service to achieve best fleet performance. Our strict minimum standards to achieve safety is without compromise and still upholding the highest quality. We believe your flying experience should give you the peace of mind

What we offer?

  1. To maintain a reputable position within the airline industry through a continued investment effert in safety training, safety systems and technology as well as aviation security.
  2. To support all efficient methods for managing and communicating safety, security and regulation compliance.
  3. To assure that regular safety internal audits are conducted to review our safety policy periodically.
  4. To assure every employee participated in the safety interal audit process, including but not limited to third parties, suppliers, and ground handling agents.

PT Surya Air is fully commited to being leading provider of air transportation solutions. A primary goal of PTSurya Air is to achieve the highest standards of quality in all department unit practices and operations without compromise. Our objective it to continually improve our company performance while offering our customers safe air transportation, and professional service.

PT Surya Air's Quality Assurance Program is independent and an ongoing process designed to identify potential problems areas. It shall also advise and follow remedial actions.

Who we Are?

  • Our Vission

      To be the trusted and reliable aviation company recognized for our dedication to safety, quality service, and innovation.

  • Our Mission

      • We deliver best-in-class aviation service through safety, security, and compliance.
      • We continuously improve quality, professionalism, and operational excellence to maximize shareholders value.
      • We build a high performance team focusing on employee development and well being.
  • Our Value

       Trust & Respectful, Responsibility, Professionalism, Learning, Enjoy Work.

Our History

6th AOC - AOC 135-046


5th AOC - AOC 135-046


The Best Transportation Safety Management Award 2017


4th AOC - AOC 135-046


3rd AOC - AOC 135-046


2nd AOC - AOC 135-046


1st AOC - AOC 135-046


Deed of Establishment



Transportation Safety Management Award 2017 - Terbaik 1

Transportation Safety Management Award 2017 - Terbaik 1


AOC 135-046

AOC 135-046

Our Pilot

Capt. Hariadi Rachman

Capt. Hariadi Rachman

Capt. Hariadi Rachman

CPL 7709

Flight Hours : 3013
Rating :
    - BK 117 A4
    - BK 117 B1
Capt. Rony Irawan Harahap

Capt. Rony Irawan Harahap

Capt. Rony Irawan Harahap


Flight Hours : 4069
Rating :
    - EC 145 T2
Capt Dharma Hadibrata

Capt Dharma Hadibrata

Capt Dharma Hadibrata


Flight Hours : 3399
Rating :
    - EC 155 B1
    - EC 135 P1
    - BK 117 A4
    - BK 117 B1
    - BO 105 CB
Capt Cahyo Adi

Capt Cahyo Adi

Capt Cahyo Adi

ATPL/H-5695 - H145 FI VFR/IFR

Flight Hours : 5452
Rating :
    - EC 155 B1
    - BK 117 A4
    - BK 117 B1
    - EC 145 T2
Capt Agus Priono

Capt Agus Priono

Capt Agus Priono


Flight Hours : 3295
Rating :
    - EC 155 B1
    - BK 117 A4
    - BK 117 B1
    - EC 145 T2
Capt Muh Hasan

Capt Muh Hasan

Capt Muh Hasan


Flight Hours : 7405
Rating :
    - EC 155 B1
    - BK 117 A4
    - BK 117 B1
    - BO 105 CB
    - EC 145 T2